Kegiatan Magang Ku...hehehehe Part II
Pembelajaran di tempat tugas
Angkatan II (April – Mei)
Hari dan Tanggal | Uraian materi | Hari dan Tanggal | Uraian materi |
Senin 11 April 2008 | · Cek Koneksi Internet · Melakukan Ping Ke Gateway dan DNS Server | Senin,10 Mei 2008 | · Cek Koneksi Internet · Melakukan Ping Ke Gateway dan DNS Server |
Selasa, 12 April 2008 | · Maintenance & Repair Komputer · Membersihkan Memory | Selasa,11 Mei 2008 | · Entry Data Siswa · Input Data · Input Soal |
Rabu, 13 April 2008 | · Seting Router · Seting NIC Router · Cek Koneksi Internet · Melakukan Ping Ke Gateway dan DNS Server | Rabu, 12 Mei 2008 | · Cek Koneksi Internet · Melakukan Ping Ke Gateway dan DNS Server |
Kamis, 14 April 2008 | · Maintenance & Repair Komputer · Install Ulang Windows · Install Office & Software pendukung lainnya | Kamis, 13 Mei 2008 | · Maintenance & Repair Komputer · Install Ulang Windows |
Jumat, 15 April 2008 | · Maintenance & Repair Komputer · Install Ulang Windows · Install Office & Software pendukung lainnya | Jumat, 14 Mei 2008 | · Maintenance & Repair Komputer · Membersihkan Power Supply |
Sabtu, 16 April 2008 | · Cek Koneksi Internet · Melakukan Ping Ke Gateway dan DNS Server · Membuat Laporan Kegiatan Magang | Sabtu, 15 Mei 2008 | · Cek Koneksi Internet · Melakukan Ping Ke Gateway dan DNS Server · Membuat Laporan Kegiatan Magang |
Kegiatan Magang Ku...hehehehe
Pembelajaran di tempat tugas
Angkatan II (Februari – Maret)
| Uraian materi | Hari dan Tanggal | Uraian materi |
Senin, 11 Februari 2008 | · Cek Koneksi Internet · Melakukan Ping Ke Gateway dan DNS Server | Senin, 10 Maret 2008 | · Entry Data Siswa · Input Data · Input Soal |
Selasa, 12 Februari 2008 | · Seting Ulang Lab Komputer · Install Ulang Windows · Install Office & Software pendukung lainnya | Selasa, 11 Maret 2008 | · Entry Data Siswa · Input Data · Input Soal |
Rabu, 13 Februari 2008 | · Seting Ulang Lab Komputer · Install Ulang Windows · Install Office & Software pendukung lainnya | Rabu, 12 Maret 2008 | · Cek Koneksi Internet · Melakukan Ping Ke Gateway dan DNS Server |
Kamis, 14 Februari 2008 | · Seting Ulang Lab Komputer · Install Ulang Windows · Install Office & Software pendukung lainnya | Kamis, 13 Maret 2008 | · Maintenance & Repair Komputer · Install Ulang Windows |
Jumat, 15 Februari 2008 | · Setting Lan Komputer Lab · Setting NIC · Cek Koneksi · Melakukan Ping Ke Gateway dan DNS Server | Jumat, 14 Maret 2008 | · Maintenance & Repair Komputer · Membersihkan Memory |
Sabtu, 16 Februari 2008 | · Setting Lan Komputer Lab · Setting NIC · Cek Koneksi · Melakukan Ping Ke Gateway dan DNS Server | Sabtu, 15 Maret 2008 | · Cek Koneksi Internet · Melakukan Ping Ke Gateway dan DNS Server · Membuat Laporan Kegiatan Magang |
Friday, 23 May 2008
Blogger Ku Sayang...Blogger Ku Malang....
Friday, 29 June 2007
Tips for Google Adsense
If you are a webmaster that having Google Adsense in your site and you surfing the web using Firefox, than you are in luck.
If not, maybe it’s time for you to download and install one. And set it as your default web browser. You can download Firefox in the bottom of this page.
One of many benefit of Firefox is it can be extend with add-ons.
There are so many add-ons that are available for Firefox, and one of my favorite is Adsense Notifier. You can download it in
Adsense Notifier will sit nicely in the right bottom corner of your firefox while showing you how much money that you earn with Google Adsense.
The options is very complete and very easy to use.
It have Google Adsense user name and password to login, and minutes between updates (it will do automatic update).
You can also change the action for left click, middle click and right click for actions like:
- Open Adsense in current window
- Open Adsense in new tab
- Open Adsense in new Unfocused tab
- Open Adsense in new window
- Open Adsense options
- Update Adsense now
We can also change the default of Adsense Window:
- Report Overview
- Content
- Search
- Referer
The are also many various seeting like
- Sort by
- Group by,
- Number locale
- Include products.
- Last thing is how it can show impressions, Clicks, CTR, CPM, Earnings and RPC.
Adsense Notifier very helpfull to check Google Adsense revenue without being looged in to the Google Adsense. And it automatic update really helps.
Thursday, 28 June 2007
What is Internet...?
The Internet, sometimes called simply "the Net," is a worldwide system of computer networks - a network of networks in which users at any one computer can, if they have permission, get information from any other computer (and sometimes talk directly to users at other computers). It was conceived by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the U.S. government in 1969 and was first known as the ARPANET. The original aim was to create a network that would allow users of a research computer at one university to be able to "talk to" research computers at other universities. A side benefit of ARPANet's design was that, because messages could be routed or rerouted in more than one direction, the network could continue to function even if parts of it were destroyed in the event of a military attack or other
Today, the Internet is a public, cooperative, and self-sustaining facility accessible to hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Physically, the Internet uses a portion of the total resources of the currently existing public telecommunication networks. Technically, what distinguishes the Internet is its use of a set of protocols called TCP/IP (for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol). Two recent adaptations of Internet technology, the intranet and the extranet, also make use of the TCP/IP protocol.
For many Internet users, electronic mail (e-mail) has practically replaced the Postal Service for short written transactions. Electronic mail is the most widely used application on the Net. You can also carry on live "conversations" with other computer users, using Internet Relay Chat (IRC). More recently,
The most widely used part of the Internet is the World Wide Web (often abbreviated "WWW" or called "the Web"). Its outstanding feature is hypertext, a method of instant cross-referencing. In most Web sites, certain words or phrases appear in text of a different color than the rest; often this text is also underlined. When you select one of these words or phrases, you will be transferred to the site or page that is relevant to this word or phrase. Sometimes there are buttons, images, or portions of images that are "clickable." If you move the pointer over a spot on a Web site and the pointer changes into a hand, this indicates that you can click and be transferred to another site.
Using the Web, you have access to millions of pages of information. Web browsing is done with a Web browser, the most popular of which are Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. The appearance of a particular Web site may vary slightly depending on the browser you use. Also, later versions of a particular browser are able to render more "bells and whistles" such as animation, virtual reality, sound, and music files, than earlier versions.
From :
DHCP is.......
DHCP is a protocol used by networked computers (clients) to obtain IP addresses and other parameters such as the default gateway, subnet mask, and IP addresses of DNS servers from a DHCP server. The DHCP server ensures that all IP addresses are unique, e.g., no IP address is assigned to a second client while the first client's assignment is valid (its lease has not expired). Thus IP address pool management is done by the server and not by a human network administrator.
DHCP emerged as a standard protocol in October 1993. As of 2006, RFC 2131 provides the latest (dated March 1997) DHCP definition. DHCP functionally became a successor to the older BOOTP protocol, whose leases were given for infinite time and did not support options. Due to the backward-compatibility of DHCP, very few networks continue to use pure BOOTP.
The latest non-standard of the protocol, describing DHCPv6 (DHCP in an IPv6
From :
Cara Sederhana Sekali Untuk Membuat Homepage (The Simple Way to Make a Homepage)
Bagi yang berminat membuat homepage sendiri, sebetulnya jika anda sudah terbiasa menggunakan program seperti MSWord untuk mentik berbagai dokumen anda maka sebetulnya anda sudah lebih dari cukup untuk membuat homepage pribadi yang sederhana.
Web agar bisa di baca oleh Web server di Internet harus di tuliskan dalam format Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML). Untuk membuat Web sederhana kita membutuhkan sebuah editor yang mampu menghasilkan file dalam format HTML tersebut. Jadi kita cukup menggunakan fasilitas yang ada di editor tersebut untuk mentik, me-layout tulisan, memasukan gambar dll. Kemudian mengandalkan kemampuan editor tersebut untuk menyimpannya dalam format HTML.
MSWord yang lama (MSWord 7.0) yang biasanya dijalankan di Windows 95 sebetulnya sudah bisa menghasilkan file dalam format HTML, hanya saja biasanya tampilan di Web-nya masih kurang baik. Di samping itu, masih banyak fasilitas-fasilitas yang spesifik untuk Web yang belum ada di MSWord yang lama ini.
Bagi anda yang sudah menggunakan Office 2000 yang baru, maka anda cukup beruntung karena banyak sekali kelebihan MSWord 2000 ini dibandingkan kakak-nya yang lebih tua khususnya untuk aplikasi Internet & Web. Untuk Membuat Web yang baik kualitasnya anda cukup klik File à Save As à Save as type à Web page – secara magis maka MSWord akan menyimpan semua naskah yang anda tulis menjadi file HTML yang siap tayang di Web. Sesederhana itu.
Tentunya ada banyak hal yang bisa kita masukan dalam dokumen MSWord 2000, apakah itu suara (melalui Insert à Object à Wave Sound), gambar (melalui Insert à Picture à dst), hyperlink ke Universal Resource Locator URL (melalui Insert à Hyperlink). Hyperlink sendiri bisa bermacam-macam tipe-nya bisa link ke dokumen itu sendiri, dokumen / web lain, e-mail address dsb.
Kekurangan utama yang akan kita rasakan jika membuat halaman Web menggunakan program editor seperti MSWord adalah manajemen halaman tersebut jika kita membuat Web yang cukup besar banyak link, halaman, gambar, suara dsb. Untuk Web yang besar seperti itu ada baiknya menggunakan software yang lebih baik seperti MSFrontpage yang juga tersedia di Office 2000.
Setelah halaman Web dibuat, yang perlu kita lakukan hanyalah mempublikasi Web tersebut di Internet. Ada beberapa tempat di Internet yang bisa menyediakan Web gratis seperti dll. Tempat-tempat ini pernah di bahas di Neotek. Teknik untuk mengirimkan halaman Web dari komputer kita ke server di Internet cukup bermacam-macam, beberapa servis Web bahkan menyediakan form yang tinggal di isi file mana di harddisk komputer kita yang ingin di ambil untuk dijadikan Web.
Jika servis tersebut tidak tersedia maka kita perlu menggunakan teknik yang lebih konvensional menggunakan program File Transfer Protocol (FTP) yang juga tersedia di Windows. FTP bisa dijalankan di MSDOS Prompt di Windows dengan cara men-tik FTP di prompt C:>. Selanjutnya anda bisa masuk ke Web server tujuan untuk memasukan file yang anda buat.
From : Mr.Onno's Article